Learn more about StackUp

How it works

A step-by-step guide on how to leverage StackUp to assess, understand and improve your technology strategy and operations. 

Determine if StackUp is right for you

If you are an Investor, Service Provider, C-Level Executive, Technology Leader or Board Member, you are likely to find value in StackUp.

Check the ‘Solutions’ menu to explore the specific scenarios where StackUp can help.

Explore testimonials and case studies from leaders who turned to StackUp after seeking more than the status quo.

Determine if StackUp is Right for You

Sign up for a StackUp subscription

We offer a range of packages to meet different needs. Sign up for the platform here.


Complete assessment

 Have the technology leader of the organisation being assessed, complete the StackUp assessment. This typically takes less than 30 minutes.


Our algorithm then reviews, scores and identifies strengths, risks and improvement opportunities for your organisation.


You’ll be emailed your StackUp report within 24 hours (download a sample here). 

Complete the Stackup Assessment

Receive your report & certification

The report includes your score, tailored recommendations and detailed feedback on how you perform against each of the 50 key metrics that StackUp assesses.

It also includes videos explaining why each factor is important in supporting excellence in technology strategy and operations.

Receive Your StackUp Report and Certification
If you achieve under 80/100 

 You’ll receive a StackUp Assessed badge which you can share publicly to demonstrate your commitment to technology improvement, and that you’re making technology decisions from an informed position. 

StackUp Assessed badge
If you achieve over 80/100 
You’ll receive a StackUp Certified badge which you can share publicly to demonstrate your achievement of operational technology excellence. 
StackUp Certified badge

Act on specific recommendations

Man attending an online session

Improve on the recommendations internally

 If you have the capability internally, you can act on the recommendations directly. 


Optional: Engage an independent CIO/CTO consultant

StackUp can connect you with our community of highly experienced, independent CIO/CTO’s, typically with 20 years+ of experience, and who can provide independent verification and insights based on your StackUp results.

Whether you want industry-specific advice, or insights on a specific aspect of the StackUp assessment (eg Security, Cloud, AI, Vendor Management, Innovation etc), these senior specialists can help you cut through the noise and look like a superstar within your team. 


Optional: Engage a specialist service provider

 If you’d like assistance leveling up a specific aspect of your technology, StackUp’s community of independent service providers can help.

We can connect you with a trusted specialist service provider in the specific area you want help with.

Typically they’ll provide a free initial discussion to help you determine the best approach for your organisation to level up in that area, and what engaging them looks like.

StackUp is fiercely independent platform (not a service provider) and won’t favour one supplier over another. 


Track your progress

You can resubmit at any time to track your progress.

Most organisations like to re-submit quarterly, or more frequently if they’ve made significant improvements (go to Step 3).