For C-Level Executives

Transform your technology function from black box into transparent metrics that matter

Understand your organisation by benchmarking against the essential elements of a high performing technology function. 

Using the StackUp platform is like a high calibre technology consultant on-demand at a fraction of the cost to: 

Spot hidden dangers and opportunities
Benchmark your organisation against best practice
Enable you to see around corners and make informed decisions
Illustration of a business continuity plan focusing on technology benchmarking and independent assessments for effective IT management.
A man rests his head on his desk, appearing fatigued due to failure of CIO/CTO and IT department
The problem

It’s hard to keep up with the pace of technology change

New technologies and security risks are emerging rapidly, technical debt is increasing, and the change is accelerating.

As a result, many organisations have unidentified weaknesses in their technology functions, costing them tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually due to outages, hacks, avoidable risks, failed M&A or investment deals, and wasted time and money on the wrong priorities.

CEOs attend expensive conferences and stay well-read, but it’s challenging for any individual to keep up. Most organisations simply can't afford the $35,000-a-month C-level consultants who could help address these challenges.

The solution

Benchmarking in all the areas that matter

StackUp helps leaders “confront the brutal facts" without bias, by understanding how their organisation is performing in each key technology area.
These insights help avoid costly, and sometimes existential threats to the organisation.

The StackUp platform shines a light on the metrics that matter, and puts you in control. It enables you and your team to celebrate areas of excellence, and make informed choices about where your technology team invests time, budget and effort. 

Visual representation of a startup dashboard featuring CIO/CTO audits, independent IT assessments, and technology health metrics.
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Great organisations “have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of their current reality, whatever they might be."
Jim Collins
Author, Good to Great
Image of Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great

When to use the StackUp platform

Drive improvement
When your goal is high performance, and you want to identify the specific areas needing improvements.
Prove your excellence
When you’re performing at a high level - independent verification of your excellence can be used to help attract investors, talent or clients.
Clarify performance
When you’re unsure whether your technology is setting you up for success.
Assess your CIO/CTO or technology leader
When you’re uncertain about the performance level of your CIO/CTO and would like independent data.
Hire a new CIO/CTO or technology leader
When you’d like clarity on what type of CIO/CTO to hire based on your unique vision.
Prepare for M&A or funding
When you’re considering M&A and want to be prepared, eliminating blockers and maximising your organisation’s enterprise value.
Budget effectively
When you’re planning or budgeting and want to know where to allocate effort and capital in the coming quarter or year.
Plan for growth
When you want to understand how you StackUp against others based on size, stage or industry.

How StackUp helps

Independent set of metrics that matter
Identifies your organisation’s unique risk profile
Identify areas of high performance
Identify areas requiring urgent attention
Prioritise notable action areas
Find unidentified areas of weakness so they can be proactively addressed
Maximise the enterprise value of your organisation
Reduce risks and avoid expensive mistakes across security, data, cloud, people, process and more
Streamline technology due diligence from clients and investors/acquirers during M&A
Independent verification of your technology excellence and leadership
Eliminate unknown unknowns within your technology function
Better informed board, investor and customer decision making

You're in good company

How StackUp compares

Faster and more cost effective than a big consulting firm.
More independent and comprehensive than other assessment methods.
Goes beyond security-specific certifications and standards.
How StackUp compares
StackUp logo
Technology leader
Consulting firm
ISO/Other standards
Benchmark vs best practice
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Independent data & recommendations
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Entire technology function
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Icon of a red arrow facing upward
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Icon of a clock with red indicators facing downward
Icon of a clock with red indicators facing downward
Live dashboard
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Coming soon
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Benchmark vs other companies
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Coming soon
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A vision for empowering leaders

Image of Dane Eldridge smiling and looking at the screen
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Most CEO's have an opinion on their technology function's performance, without independent data to back that up. StackUp gives ambitious leaders, an independent view of their entire technology function, enabling better decision making.
Dane Eldrige
StackUp Founder and CEO