Case study

Decide what type of CIO/CTO to hire

For C-Level Executives - Decide what type of CIO/CTO to hireFor C-Level Executives - Decide what type of CIO/CTO to hire

The organisation

Hospitality and Tourism
$50 million–$100 million
Primary currency
AUD (Australian Dollar)
Years in operation
Over 50 Years
Technology employees
Annual spend on technology

The challenge

The organisation lacked a strategic technology leader, and technology was not being managed as an active function of the business.

Why they chose StackUp

StackUp provided a cost-effective and timely solution to deliver a comprehensive overview of the organisation's technology function.

What value they got out of it

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Gained a clear understanding of the current challenges facing the technology function.
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Identified the limitations of the current IT staff, informing future leadership needs.
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Obtained better insights into the type of technology leader required to drive the organisation forward.